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Serena Owlnight

Name: Serena Owlnight

Nicknames/Titles: Vampire Queen, BFF Forever, Lots of Random Paladin Titles, Azure Flash


Height: 5'8''


Sexuality: Lesbian and  Polyamorous 

Trans Status: Is Trans, Jillian made her meds and Paladins let her keep it up for Jillian's cooperation. 


Hobbies: Trying new hobbies, Reading, Plotting Revenge


Likes: Coming up with date ideas, Her found family, Teasing people, Trucey. 

Dislikes: The Holy Light, Half of Pasta Dishes, City Life. 


Fun Fact: Serena invents games to play with her siblings (She Has 4). 

Dream: Being Married To Trucey on the countryside away from any holy light shit.  


Favorite Food: Trucey's Blood




A woman who has lived so many names and under so many forced titles. Once she was a poor girl who was punished for trying to be seen as herself so she ran off into the woods. Then she was the lone human in a monster collective. After being seperated she was an Orphan but soon she was a kind witch's daughter. Serena chose to become a witch, a daughter, a big sister, to be herself. Serena then found herself at odds, finding out something truly wicked she couldn’t stand for injustice but found herself captured and brainwashed turned into a Paladin of the Holy Knight. She was a rookie then quickly rised to the top of the ranks.  She became the mentor and friend of a kind girl, feelings blooming that neither could feel. Then one day Serena became dead, only not for long, soon she returned as the Vampire Queen, free of control with love in her heart and revenge in her mind. 


Theme Songs

Lyrics Song


No Lyrics Song  

Art By E Jackson and Littleinksheep

Love Beyond The Holy Light © 2019 by Alexis Sara all rights reserved.  Made With WiX

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