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Jillian Owlnight

NickNames / Titles: 
The Owl Witch, Witch Mother, The Cruel Hag, Jill, Mom

Gender: Woman
Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Polyamorous Lesbian 

Trans Status: Is Trans, did magical transition magics and Herbs. 

Height: 6'0''

Hobbies: Practicing Magic but outside of that she really loves writing. 

Likes: Her Children, Animals, Robes, Magic Grilled sandwiches 

Dislikes: The Holy Light, Increasingly people in general, High Waisted Pants 

Fun Fact: Jillian knows how to play the harp.

Dream: To raise kids until she dies of old age and see all the families and love she helped foster. 

Children:  Serena, Roxanne, Noma, Rei, Sparkle 

(Listed from oldest to youngest)

The dark of night she fled from home forever killing an old name even if she feared she would soon reach a similar fate. The pain in her eye she met the night itself, an owl like figure who keep her safe from the dangers of the world. Jillian found passion mastering magics and joining the owls in the night. Her magics grew she made a home, a home she grew bigger with smiling face after face. Yet a once rebellious heart grew afraid she had the faces to care for and risking them simply wasn’t worth it. Yet, smiles still left and one day she lost the biggest smile of her life. Still she had more smiles to protect. She would do things to kill the smile inside herself to protect theirs. A puppet of an unseen light Jillian lived like most must, day by day.  Then one day there was hope again, smiles would come back in her heart, the story is still being told. 

Mood Songs
No Lyrics Song: Lumacie Archipelago from GranBlue Fantasy

Song With Lyrics: The City By Kady Rain  

Love Beyond The Holy Light © 2019 by Alexis Sara all rights reserved.  Made With WiX

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