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Meet The Writer: Alexis Sara


"Wow Alexis You're So Pretty, I should give you cash!"

Howdy cuties, it's me Alexis Sara the mistress of the night and mother to all who live in the shadows. I create stories for us who are trans and queer and people of color and people who aren't seen in the light of day. So I made my love story to the shadows. 

I am Latnix, Polyam, A lesbian, trans and a general cutie. 

I've been attached to two different Esnier nominated  projects and consulted on an Esnier nominated series (Princeless)  before. 

I make stories (many of which are comics) for my living and it's my passion. They go up on my Patreon whenever I can release them. I am always exploring new forms of story telling and ways to share stories that fill the world with more queerness of all kinds. 

You can also catch me streaming games, making youtube videos, podcasts, etc to share myself and the queer vision for the world in as many places as possible. 


I make stories like Love Beyond The Holy Light free to the public because I believe that everyone deserve to see queer stories, everyone deserves to be seen and capital shouldn't be a limit. I hope you all enjoy. 

That said, if you can support that would be amazing, every dollar helps me pay other queer artists and eat. 

Love Beyond The Holy Light © 2019 by Alexis Sara all rights reserved.  Made With WiX

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