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Chapter 6 - Love Beyond An Old Home

Content Warning - Trauma Discussion, Blood for vampire reasons


Submission, to give one's self to another. This can be an abstract other like giving in to a religion's light. It can be solid concept like following a person's request.  Submission can be scary like giving up against an invading force or it can be joyful like bringing your partner pleasure. Submission is simply submission and who decides the pleasure is the one who submits. Will they fight against it or will they openly crave it? We can only hope it's a good submission.  





Fuck yes, I haven't felt that alive in forever. The defeated bodies of Paladin's were sprawling across the floor, my heart was racing.  I screamed into the air.  "Eat it, you Paladin scum!"  


I was riding a high, and quickly cast a spell to seal all the Paladin's in trees.  It works as a stopgap, at least enough for me to dance a little bit mockingly, thrusting my hips - owch - I keep forgetting I'm old. 


But I didn't have time to party or deal with me being old.  I needed to backup my daughter.  I rushed back from the Forest, my mind wandering off as I sprinted, saving some mystic energy for whatever other fighting I might have to do. 


I remembered it so clearly.  Serena leaving, getting captured.  If I had been willing to fight like this.  If I had been fearless.  I could have saved her.  I could have taken the kids on the run and started something new, but I lacked the courage of my daughter.  All I could think about was the scary what ifs.  But here and now, I didn't have to think.  I needed to help, so I did what I had to do.  I failed before but I could take care of Serena now.

Moving into the town, I could see the monsters and the girls had turned the tides.  A wolf girl was managing to slash down some Paladins with a golem behind her. The women who had greeted me were kicking some ass.  There was a demon girl who was shooting fire out of a bottle of whisky.  Even the clothing store guy whose name I forget had a Paladin in a choke hold using some Fabric.  


Most importantly was the Vampire, Serena, draining the Paladin’s commander, they wouldn’t have the will to keep fighting.  Strolling over past some Paladin’s I moved over to Kat, who was healing one of the Goblin’s who had given her that gift earlier.  She looks at me, my ripped dress, my hair lose and wild, holding my staff with confidence, then she blushes, almost forgetting to heal the person under her. I sit beside her and then fall to the ground.  “I’m ok, just a bit drained. Looks like we win.”




Oh, this tasted so fucking good.  It wasn’t the same as Trucey’s.  Everyone’s blood had its own taste but Trucey’s was the most sweet.  Still Silvia was good, very good…


The purpose here wasn’t to drink her dead though, the purpose was to take her.  To bend her into a subject…. Fuck … wait, was I… No….

The world spun around and I felt like I was trapped in that room again.  The flashes, my heart racing, I felt so helpless, was I the one doing this to myself?  I just need to breathe deeply, to breath at all.  I would panic about dying, but I was already dead.  I didn’t panic, couldn’t panic, I could do this, I can do this.

I almost drop her when I slide my fangs out of her.  I’d drained enough of her willpower to get the job done. I look into Siliva’s eyes “Command a full retreat.” Our eyes connect and I feel her will, I feel her, the insides of her mind. All I had to do was take charge.

Silvia shockingly grunts and grabs me, purring.  “Why did you stop, I’ve been defeated lay claim to me. Being ended by you is the most honorable death.”

My eyes glow, a stark pink and command again.  “Get your soldiers to retreat, now.”   I could feel the attempt to resist, could tell it by the shaking of her quivering hands.  She wanted to do it anyway, but her pride was holding her back.


Regardless, Silvia had no choice now, she looks back and shouts, using an enchanting flair of holy magic to amplify her voice.  “All Paladin’s, retreat!”

The Paladin’s who could still run made a break for it. All that was left were the Paladin’s laying on the ground.... and Silvia.


She stomped and turned on her heel to face me, snapping out of it.   “Dammit Serena! I lost to you, I should be dead and my soldiers should be fighting beside, me you monster scum!”

I press my boot against her, pushing her down on the ground, hovering over her.  She panted for air, her face blushing - did the Paladin like this?  A shame I wasn’t made succubus queen, I might have better felt what she craved.


Kneeling down, I move on top of her pressing my arm against her face.  “If you want to die so badly, then drink from me.  You would become my servant. I could use a woman on the inside. Then again, letting you return would be rather cruel.  I’d rather die than let my Trucey go back there.”

Silvia growls.  “Again with Trucey!  Fine.  Give me your blood.”


She bit down hard enough to pierce skin, drinking it in jealousy.  However, that scowl faded as she drinks.  A deep pink hue slowly sunk into her eyes.  My mark, a pink bat in a witches hat appears unseen on her flesh of rear.


Silvia turned to Trucey with new eyes, free of so much of the weight of the Holy Light.  She smiles and swoons.  “Trucey is so pretty...  Maybe even cuter than you.”

I blush a bit.  Wow, way to change teams after becoming my servant.


Giggling, I finally get off her.  When I grabbed Silvia’s hand, I felt the bond between us, the pull of the blood flowing in the palms pressed against each other.  She would have some level of vampire powers but she wasn’t a full vampire, still just a fledgling.  

I turn over to Trucey and hug her tightly, never wanting to let go. I was so afraid in that fight. I didn’t want us to have to fight again, I wanted to just keep her safe. There was so much more to fight for. Trucey rubs my back softly then grabs my hand, pulling me away back to my place without saying a word.  She knew exactly what I needed.  Once I was behind the door and in private, I began to cry, falling onto my bed.

Trucey strokes my cheek. “You did amazing out there, we did amazing stuff. I know more than ever that I want to be your girlfriend. We’re more than best friends. I will be here for you.”


I smile softly at her, my tears clearing “I want that too. And just to be clear, not in the ‘Oh my girlfriends and I went to the clothing shop’ way, but like that ‘My girlfriend proposed to me’ kind of way.”




I giggle.  I could only imagine being in love with someone as oblivious as me would be frustrating, but Serena never looked at me with anything less than compassion.  I don't know how many years she has loved me.  There was so much to find out. 


I kiss her and blush, breaking the kiss after a moment.  "I wanna be like that kind of girlfriend!  I want to be your partner in all things your, ah, everything girlfriend. There is so much I don't know but if we stick together I'll learn it."


She and I just embraced for a while longer. The scary thoughts couldn't reach us while we were wrapped up in each other, my best gal pal and I now committed to one another. A new world in front of me where I stand with monsters, with my Vampire. I didn't feel afraid that this meant leaving the holy light. I loved laying in her shadow. 


Drifting into dreams together just for a moment.  A dream of putting our swords down and living here.  Serena cooking some fish as I paint the scene of a happy crowd in Clawz. 


We laugh and giggle, I help teach people defense against light magic, Serena teaches music and magic. A wonderful life in Clawz, free from the Holy Light. 


To think, not long ago I wanted nothing more than the warm rays of the Holy Light on my face.  But imagining it now, it was so hot it burnt.  I didn't know if I could redeem that light or if I should avoid it or stop it. For now I was content here in this dream. A happy life with little goblin kids running around, happy harpies in the sky, a girl made of goo who does metal work, a fantastic life. 


Yet this wouldn't be near the end of the story, it's hardly the beginning of the next chapter.  




Why was I so nervous?  This was my daughter, but when we fought I could feel her pain.  I was still in denial it was really her, but...damn what do I even say to her. It's my fault she's like this……


She's free, but the damage will never be undone.  I should go… No, I have to see her.  Maybe I should just go in and act like nothing happened?  Like it's just the next day in our lives, picking up where we left off? 


I'm just gonna go in and say hi. Yah, totally.  I didn't even notice I was pacing back and forth, but then Kat pokes me.  "Are you going to go in, orrrr are we going to stand in front of a door?"


I jump back.  "Ahh Kat, this is private business!"


Kat crosses their arms.  "Okay so I'll go back to helping heal people, but only after you walk in."


Gosh, was this nun seriously rushing me.  Fine okay cool, I was gonna walk in anyway.  I don't say anything to Kat as I move inside the door of Serena's humble home.  I don't hear anything, so I rush over to the bedroom, worried in a totally reasonable way. 


Serena darts up floating into the air.  "Mom! What the hell are you doing!!!?"


Oh good, she was just asleep.  It was her.  Oh Great Owl-y Love, she was alive.  I can't help but start to tear up as I see her.


Rushing in, I grab her and hug her. Fuck, I missed her so much. For a moment there was no more fear, no more worries, there was just the joy of a wound that had lasted too long, finally being treated.


"Serena, I'm so glad your back."




Seeing Jillian…  Seeing mom tear up like that, I couldn't help but cry too. I manage to whimper, my body quivering from tears as I held against hers.  "Mommy… mom… Jill… I’m glad too."


I hadn't had a chance to really process what being back meant.  I was fixated on Trucey. I hardly thought about that life I lost what felt like so many years ago. 


I was happy, but sad.  I could finally take in the family and world I had been stolen from, but I also had mom back. Here in this room with the love of my life somehow sleeping through all this, as I embrace my mom. 


I broke the hug, then me and Jillian's eyes locked.  I know what she did for me, what she had to do because I screwed up.

We both seem to find the words at the same time.


"I'm so sorry!"




“I’m so sorry!”


If only I had came with her, we could have done it.  I could have saved her from the Paladins.  I couldn’t imagine a worse fate than what she went through. 


I put my hand on her check.  "There is nothing to be sorry for, I am the one who screwed up."




Way back then, Mom told me I couldn't handle it. Mom told me she couldn't help, my sisters would be put in danger, and even if we fought as a family we were facing off against something far stronger than us.  I should have listened.  I could have taken it slow, worked on small rescue plans instead of going straight for the head. 


I hug her again tightly.  "No, you warned me, you warned me crossing them in such a big way would lead to a fate worse than death. I knew you couldn't help, yet I still lashed out at you."


I could remember it so clearly my last words as myself to her.  "If you won't help me save them, then you’re not my mother anymore. I don't know when my real mother, the great owl witch died, but whoever this woman is… she's nothing like her.  When I saved everyone you'll wish you were there by my side. Later, owl hag." 





I could remember Serena’s words clearly.  They were the words that echoed as Starla left.  They were the words that reached out to me as I fought monsters at the beck and call of the Holy Light.  They were the words painted on the face of the hollow body that was my daughter as I gazed at her in the Holy Order.  They were the words in my nightmares. Not because they were cruel, but because they were true.


My children always would comfort me when they could tell it got particularly worse. That it wasn't my fault, like it wasn't theirs. Yet, I was the mother, it was my job to tend to them. I had to build a thicker skin and while I could still smile with them beside me, something was always missing. 

I shake my head no. and pull out of the hug before grabbing Serena's hand and sitting on the bed.  "Serena, honey. Your words were just words.  What hurt me was seeing what they did to you.  Anything I had to do was but a thorn in my toe, and nothing compared to the stab on my heart that was the pain inflicted on you.  The real people at fault are the Holy Order.  The Holy Light itself.  You did nothing wrong.  You were a hero far braver than I ever was.  We need to stop blaming ourselves.  I don't know if I can, but your siblings wouldn't want us to lay in guilt.  Sparkle would probably say something like ‘sure it's raining, but that's how you get a rainbow’.”


Serena giggles.  "Damn, when did that kid get so smart?  I miss her.  Is everyone ok? What about Starla?"


I take a deep breath.  "Your sisters are fine. Starla broke up with me, but as far as I know she is building up some desert community working on Terraforming spells."




What a relief.  I was glad everyone was alive at least…


Still I needed to comfort mom on Starla right?  Or was it like an old wound?  It could have happened forever ago.  I hesitantly pat mom's back.  "Ahh, she always loved terraforming, good for her."


Starla has been dating mom since I first met her.  Still she wasn't like a mom to me in the same was Jillian was.  Starla was amazing with us kids, but like the end of the day she was busy with all sorts of projects. Still loved her and it was a shame she wasn't part of the family anymore.

It was cruel how the years took away so much from me. The bend and pull of the joy Trucey brought me and the pain from the rest of it.  I wished I didn't deal with this but I am glad I met Trucey I guess. 


While I was lost in thought, Jillian had babbled on a bit nervously about Starla, finally ending on a note of: "So, basically it's all good."

But was it all good?  I know I said I wouldn't blame myself, but damn what loving me put mom through, I'd just have to live with that. After she took me in, that bitch Xeno broke up with her.  I was always bratty then - like, bam, I rush in head first as if she wouldn't have done that if she thought she had the power to win. 


Jillian grabs my hands and looked me right in the eyes, "You’re zoning out and getting all in your head again, Serena.  I wanna let you know something.  You did save some folks that day. It wasn't for nothing.  To the people you saved, it was priceless.  Every now and then, I still have a few showing up to the house with presents and well wishes. Your heart was in the right place, and to these people you were a hero that day." 


Tears rolled down my face.  By the owl’s night, was I ever a baby today.  Honestly it was nice to cry.  The pain hurt, but mom's words were finally making it start to heal.  We cried again together, laying down. I was so glad to hear I did manage to save some people.  I had assumed they were all recaptured, but I guess mom ended up getting them to safety.  In her loving embrace I felt like Serena again, not the Paladin, not the Vampire, but just Serena the woman I chose to become. 





Who did this witch think she was?  I had just awoken to see her crying while holding my girlfriend!  I wasn't the jealous type or anything.  I mean, I was happy when Serena was drinking from Silvia….  I guess like I probably wasn't? Anyway I shouted, totally not upset that Serena was crying in the arms of another woman.  "Hey, old hag let ...wait!"


Almost automatically I realize that it was Jillian and that Jillian was Serena's mom.  I mumble apologetically.  "Sorry.. . my bad, mother-daughter stuff right?"


Both laugh then Serena lets go of her mom and goes to me, hugging me tightly. Serena's tears stop and she cheerfully states.  "This is Jillian, my mom.  I believe you two already met.  Mom, this is Trucey.  I love her and we're dating."


I blushed, I couldn't help but feel l gushy and nice as she stated her love and relationship to me.  I put my arms around her and nervously mumble.  "It's true, I love her too". 


Jillian pats my head.  "You fought your ass off for Serena.  She's lucky she met you in that wicked place."


Jillian then asks.  "So what's next for you two?  Gonna settle down here?  I gotta go find the kids and I a new place to live."


I got up and shrugged.  "I couldn't return to the barracks now even if I wanted to.  I was thinking that perhaps, I'd move in here with Serena and rest while we figure out what to do."


Serena stands up and looks at us both very seriously before she spoke with determination.  "I'm going to the demon princess, I want both of you to come with me. My sisters can come and stay here in my place.  It would be a little cramped, but they would he safe in Clawz.  We are going to fight The Holy Light.   I can't stop now: I am gonna save everyone.  She is the one who let me know Trucey would be among the party on the quest to get her and she assumed mom would be going too. I think she can help us fight back."


I knew right away what my answer was.  "I'm coming with you, obviously.  We're a team, and girlfriends too!  Knowing what they did to you, I can't let them do it to anyone else.  It sounds dangerous but I'll take the risk even if it's with the demon princess. "


Jillian seems to pause for a moment then answers.  "Well, Roxanne is always on a bounty anyway.  So it’ll just be Noma, Sparkle and Rei.  They could manage here, plus I can tell the owls to set up the perimeter."  Concluding her thoughts on the rest of her family, she takes another moment then grabs her staff.  "I won't let you fight alone again, Serena sweetie."


Serena clenches her fist.  "Good, then let's rest for a bit, make sure everyone is safe then head out I know where the princess is. I love you mom, Trucey."  The pain was clear on Serena she wanted revenge but it was more than that, she was a hero like always.


So it was we promised each other to a new journey. We would find the demon princess and see if she could help us defeat the Holy Order. This felt like an impossible adventure but so much of our story is already impossible, unthinkable. My best gal pal and me out there as girlfriends, fighting the world, together. 



Elsewhere Silvia reports to the high priest of the missions apparent success and failure.  Silvia bows before the priest, a man cloaked in white, whiteness was him.  He was clothed in fine robes and held a staff.  In his pale room stood a nun who didn't speak or even move much.  The grand nun was said to be in meetings to record the records  although no one ever saw her do so. 


The grand priest smiled widely, friendly, almost eerie as it always was.  "Well, how it go, champ?"


Silvia had already constructed her story, explaining that Serena had brainwashed the crew and that the battle ended with the destruction of Clawz.  She added, "Sadly the vampire queen and her thralls escaped, but men should be on the pursuit.  It appears that the Vampire Queen is taking them to the Demon princess.  I'll accept any punishment you give."


The man moved his hand as if readying to strike Siliva, but then patted her on the back.  "No problem, I wouldn't expect you all to defeat a horde of monsters, plus the vampire queen, owl witch, and also two of our most elite turned traitor.  And any hoot getting them to the demon princess as their goal, I wouldn't worry too much. Pursue if you wish, but all will work out.  The Holy Light guides us."


Silvia nodded her head.  "Yes the holy light will look kindly on us."


With that Silvia, stood and headed back.  She didn't like the sound of the grand priest’s confidence. What was that old man up to?


Anyway it was best she leaves and attempted to return to Serena.  She wasn't sure if she wanted to obey her or kill her, but that nuance hardly mattered now. The girls didn’t stand a chance against The Holy Light, it was only a matter of time before they all fell. 




End of Arc 1, thank you all so much for reading.  There will be lots of new friends, challenges and more on the way for Arc 2.  With Love Blinded By Light done we can now reach Love Blooming In The Dark. 

Edited By Tracy Campbell 

Want more of this story support me on Patreon so I can keep making it. 

Love Beyond The Holy Light © 2019 by Alexis Sara all rights reserved.  Made With WiX

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